DHI Group

A Tale of UI Design Brilliance and Design System Mastery


Design system design. DHI Group
Design system design. DHI Group
Design system design. DHI Group
Front page DHI Group, UI design

DHI Group

Design system and

New website UI/UX/AD

DHI Group really needed a new website. I had the opportunity to create both a design system and a new website. The design system enabled DHI Group to stay true to their branding while aligning user experience design (UX), user interface design (UI), and development.

For all future projects, all elements are in place, ensuring cost-efficiency and speed for the next digital project. This demonstrates the true value of a comprehensive design system.

If you want to learn more about the process or want to bring another solution to life, feel free to contact Manna Studio

Block UI design for the DHI Group. Design system

Elements from the design system were integrated as building blocks within the various sections of the website. This approach ensured consistency and coherence across the site while also streamlining the development process

Font examples DHI Group
Font examples DHI Group
Font examples DHI Group
Ipad visual DHI Group, UI design
Ipad visual DHI Group, UI design
Ipad visual DHI Group, UI design
DHI GRoup design in Figma. Design process
DHI GRoup design in Figma. Design process
DHI GRoup design in Figma. Design process

We always use Figma to build up the design system and create our prototypes

Design system DHI Group
Design system DHI Group
Design system DHI Group

Page examples from the design system build up in Figma

We deliever

Check Out Some of the other Design Systems We've Created

We deliever

Check Out Some of the other Design Systems We've Created

We deliever

Check Out Some of the other Design Systems We've Created