Husky IVO

Redefining UI Design with Milestone Systems' Husky Product


Prototype design Husky Milestone systems
Prototype design Husky Milestone systems
Prototype design Husky Milestone systems

Milestone Husky

Product page design

Digital design UI/AD

Manna Studio has been a longstanding provider of digital design solutions for Milestone Systems. In this instance, My task was to design the product pages for their video surveillance product, Husky. Visuals for the project were delivered by a Copenhagen-based agency, which we seamlessly incorporated into the design. Leveraging the Milestone design system, previously developed by Manna Studio in Figma, we brought these product pages to life.

The outcome was a well-received set of pages effectively showcasing Husky. Originating from a small office in Brøndby, Copenhagen 20 years ago, Milestone Systems has expanded into a global entity with thousands of employees worldwide, maintaining continuous growth. 

If you want to learn more about the process or want to bring another solution to life, feel free to contact Manna Studio

Block UI design for the DHI Group. Design system

The Milestone design system were integrated as building blocks within the various sections of the product pages. This approach ensured consistency and coherence across the pages while also streamlining the development process

Color and fonts Husky Milestone systems
Color and fonts Husky Milestone systems
Color and fonts Husky Milestone systems

Colors and fonts

Husky Milestone systems mobile design UI
Husky Milestone systems mobile design UI
Husky Milestone systems mobile design UI
Husky Milestone systems mobile design UI
Milestone Systems Husky user